
Sweety Tweety

 Sweet as Pie
Sweet little Tweety was brought in with her brother and sister as feral kittens.  We adopted her brother and her sister was adopted, but Tweety was returned from Petsmart unwanted.  She's very meek and skittish, but blossoms once you gain her trust.   It is sad to see such a beautiful girl be passed over.  I take photos of the cats, in hopes that something about the photo will spark someone's interest and gain them a home.  It is tougher than you think.  The shelter workers that push to get the animals adopted and rescued really have a hard job and I applaud them for all they do.

Delicate as a Flower

By the way, if you like the look of  Tweety's photos and want to recreate it, I am using  Nelia's pink action from her Things You Remember blog

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