
What do you do when you find something too precious to purchase?

You take a photo and blog about!
How cute is this? I love coming across stuff like this at thrift stores. Although I don't want these doily plastic fruits on my dining table, I love the idea that some sweet old lady painstakingly made these to brighten her home.

Now, I am trying type this entry via iPhone and I'm not sure where the photos will go in the post , but I figured while I'm here I'll post a couple more photos from, this, my favorite thrift shop.  The little lady that manages this runs a very tight ship. A place for everything and everything in its place.

Even the walnut mice refrigerator magnets have a home here.

1 comment:

Renée said...

Awe! I feel like I've seen similar things that I know someone went to a lot of trouble to make....but I just can't keep in my home. Love it!