{Vintage}+{photography}+{Veterans' Day} =
Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima by Joe Rosenthal
V-J Day in Times Square by Alfred Eisenstaedt
Two iconic photographs representing triumph and jubilation. I dare say there isn't a US citizen who hasn't seen one or both of these images. I wanted to post these today - along with a thank you for all those who have served to keep our country, our home, safe.
My Paternal Grandfather and Grandmother. My Grandfather served in the Army during WWII. He was in the Battle of the Bulge. I know two stories from him. One was that he was in a foxhole with a friend and he left to go to tea and the friend decided to stay. When he got back his friend was killed. I don't remember if he was shot or was killed by an explosive. Another time he was set ahead as a scout and went up to an old house and knocked on the door. There was a German soldier inside who opened the door and shot at him. He said it was stupid and he knew better. Later when he took off his scarf he found a bullet hole in it. So close!
This is my maternal granfather. He was a lifetime Navy man. He retired as a Chief Petty Officer. I remember, as a child, asking if that was good. He said he guessed so- it took him long enough to get it!
He spent some time in Antarctica (above photo) and some photos I've found are from parts of Africa. One photo is easily recognizable as Table Mountian in Cape Town, South Africa. I was lucky enough to find some film and had the photos developed. Such an amazing look into his travels while in the Navy. I wish he was around to tell me about them.
He is seated in the far left in this photo. Quite a looker if I do say so myself. Kind of a Neil Diamond look.He loved the ladies and the ladies loved him. He was a Seabee in the Navy. He said during Vietnam they worked to clear areas for construction and planes would go overhead spraying chemicals, agent orange, while he was on the dozer. He died of cancer. Go figure.
One story I know from him was that he was shot while serving in the Navy, but he received no purple heart. His commanding officer said, "Don't go over there". But he went over there- I do believe there was a bar or pub involved - and was shot. So when he asked if he'd get a purple heart his commanding officer said , "No, because I told you not to go over there". I wish he were still alive. I bet he had some great stories for older ears. haha
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