

Hello! Welcome to the start of my blog. I am an amateur photographer. As many other photographers my love of photography started as a child. I inherited the photography bug from my mother, who not only took photographs, but collected old photographic memorabilia, including photos and cameras. Although my mother has passed on, using the cameras she collected keeps her close to my heart. I am excited about the current photography movement to reach into the past and use these old cameras, sometimes in new and exciting ways!

I love to learn about photography and when I find others who also are in various stages of learning I am excited to help out in any way I can. If I don't know something I find out. It is through helping others that I have learned the most.

So my hope for this blog is to not only an outlet share my photographs and memories, but to help others learn to use their cameras and expand their hobby. I want other people to be excited as I am when I master new skills or find new ways of doing things. Please bear with me as I get things started.

“Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon”  ~ Pooh Bear

A special thanks to my friend Brandi for giving me the encouragement to start my blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Just wanted to let you know I came by for a look - Thomfan